Below is a list of USNSE Naples contact information, as well as the NATO units they support. You are encouraged to contact your USNSE or NE upon receipt of these orders and to maintain regular communication with the USNSE/NE (as well as your new NATO unit) throughout your transition to, and assignment at, the new duty station.
U.S. National Support Element Naples, Italy
Commercial Phone: +39.081.639.4046
DSN Phone: 314.628.4046
E-Mail Address:
Mailing Address: PSC 813 Box 7, FPO, AE 09620
NATO Units Supported by NSE Naples (for AA and Navy service-specific support):
2nd NATO Signal Battalion (UIC 64138)
Center for Maritime Research and Experimentation (UIC 64752)
Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (UIC 66614
Headquarters, Allied Joint Force Command Naples (UIC 64771)
NATO Communications and Information Agency Sector Naples (UIC 64250)
NATO Defense College (UIC 64121)
NATO Force Integration Unit Estonia
NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia
NATO High Readiness Force (Maritime) France (UIC 4160A)
NATO High Readiness Force (Maritime) Italy (UIC 3565A)
NATO Modeling and Simulation Center of Excellence
Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (UIC 3220A)
NATO Units Supported by NSE Naples (for Navy service-specific support only):
Allied Deployable Air Command and Control Center (UIC 64119)
Headquarters, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (UIC 65992)
Multi-National Division Southeast (UIC 64133)
NATO Communications and Information Agency Det. Poggio Renatico (UIC 64221)