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NAVSTA Rota Menu


Religious Ministries

The Religious Ministries Department coordinates, provides and facilitates religious ministries, pastoral care, training and ceremonial support, which contributes to the mission of NAVSTA Rota, Spain. The Chaplain Corps motto is “provide for our own, facilitate for others and care for all.” We do so by offering several opportunities for worship, study, volunteering and fellowship. We welcome you and hope that you will find a spiritual home away from home. 

COMM: +(34) 956-82-2161

DSN: 314-727-2161

DUTY CHAPLAIN: +(34) 639-101-864

Mailing Address
PSC 819 Box 12
FPO AE 09645-0012


Monday – Thursday: Catholic Mass, 12:00 p.m.

Friday: Jewish Shabbat, 7:30 p.m. (Lay-led)

Saturday: Jewish Shabbat, 12:00 p.m. (Lay-led)

Sunday: Catholic Mass, 10:00 a.m.

Sunday: Protestant Worship with child care and Sunday School ages 8 months – 12 years, 11:30 a.m.

Sunday: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4:30 p.m. (Lay-led)


Catholic Young Adults

This group of young Catholic adults meets to learn more about what it means to be a young adult catholic today. Different programs such as “Priest, Prophet, King” and “Theology of the Body” are used to engage young people into discussions about Catholicism. This group meets on base in the Chapel library. More information can be gained from the Catholic Chaplain on base.

Catholic Religious Education Classes (CCD)

Catholic religious education classes are offered for children in age groups Elementary through High School. The courses of instruction include preparation for First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Parents who seek to have a child receive one of the Sacraments need to enroll the child in class before the beginning of September of each calendar year. For current information regarding any of these programs, please call the chapel.

Children’s Church

Protestant Children’s Church is offered Sundays at 11:45 a.m. during the Protestant service. Children 8 months through 12 years may go directly to their classes for their program.

Summer Vacation Bible School

Each summer, we offer an uplifting and fun-filled Vacation Bible Study. Scores of young people and the young at heart enjoy a week-long tour through the bible and their religious faith! This exciting program teaches children about God and his love for them. Contact the chapel staff for more details.

Bible Studies

Contact the Chapel staff for a schedule of current Bible studies.

Protestant Women of the Chapel International

The PWOC is a women’s group that unites, trains and encourages women in the military chapel community in their spiritual growth. They sponsor a weekly Bible study Thursday mornings during the school year along with other fellowships and outreach events.

Retreats and Workshops

CNREURAFSWA is proud to offer CREDO, which presents a series or retreats on personal resilience, marriage enrichment and other growth experiences. Please contact the Chapel staff for more information.


Chapel ministries and programs rely on dedicated volunteers for their success. The strength of our communities comes from the many wonderful people that worship here and help build up our church. Please consider sharing the good gifts that you have received. We are always looking for responsible adults to work with children, youth and other seeking adults. You can help out the choir or praise team, a bible study or a worshiping congregation. Please contact the Chapel staff for more information.

Community Service Projects

Requests for COMREL or Community Service Projects will be done in conjunction with the NAVSTA Rota Public Affairs Office. The PAO is the contacting agent for projects and can be reached at 727-1680, or you may contact the Chapel staff at 727-2161.

Local Churches

The Chapel staff maintains a roster of local area churches. We stand ready to assist all with finding a place to worship.



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Commander, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Central   |   PSC 817, Box 108   |   FPO, AE 09622
Official U.S. Navy Website