The NASSIG Safety Department provides safety and inspection services to all NASSIG and tenant commands in accordance with US Federal and Italian Occupational Safety and Health legislation. Our services are provided by a professional staff of US and Italian workers committed to providing a safe place to work and play while you are stationed in Sicily. Our services cover a wide gamut of specialized areas including training, confined space evaluations, respirator fit test, workplace inspections, heat stress, indoor air quality, and mishap investigation.
Safety is also responsible for traffic safety. As the traffic safety program coordinator we provide training and testing for new personnel and dependents. Prior to being permitted to operate a vehicle in Sicily, you must attend our AAA-Driver Improvement Program tailored to the European environment. After successfully completing this course you will receive an Italian translation of your stateside license for use abroad. Additionally we have certified motorcycle instructors and teach both the Basic Rider Course (BRC) and the Experienced Rider Course (ERC) and the Sport Bike Safety Course (SBSC) for employees owning motorcycles or expecting to ride in Europe. This BRC is required prior to operating a motorcycle in Italy and is required biennially while you are stationed in Europe.
Safety tracks all vehicle mishaps and occupational incidents and maintains statistical records to establish trends. Traffic is our number one focus since more employees and family members are injured or die of traffic related mishaps than from any other cause. We strive to encourage safe driving and prevent accidents associated with speeding or alcohol abuse. Safety also works to ensure what you do off the job is done in a safe manner. We coordinate and provide training to ensure all employees and dependents are aware of risk associated with various local sports and outside activities. We have many resources and can assist you personally or as a group to make your overseas experience as safe as possible.
The Safety Office is located on NAS II, in Building 622 and is open from 0730 – 1600 during the workweek. We can be reached at the following address and phone numbers:
Safety Department
PSC 812 Box 3260
FPO AE 09627-3260
DSN 624-5630
COMM: 39095865630
Traffic Safety Orientation Brief