![EM LOGO EM LOGO](/Portals/78/NAVSTA_Rota/Images/1527998398039.jpg)
The Rota Emergency Management Department works to provide you with the tools and training necessary to make yourself and your family better prepared when a disaster strikes.
Disasters will strike anytime and anywhere taking many forms:
a hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, a fire or a hazardous spill or an act of nature. Disasters can build over hours, days or weeks, or hit suddenly, with little to no warning. Every year, millions of people world wide will be forced to face a disaster, and the terrifying consequences it brings. A few will know what to do in this situation, but unfortunately, the majority will not.
Emergency Management works closely with the Fire, Security, and Medical departments here at Naval Station Rota. Together we quickly assess, endure, and recover from any and all man-made or natural disasters that may arise or threaten U.S. assets and personnel. The most important way we will accomplish this mission is through our stringent training, public awareness programs, and the outstanding qualified men and women within the Department of Defense stationed here at Rota.
To ensure Naval Station Rota, tenant commands, military and civilian and all National Support Elements are properly informed, trained, and capable to handle all occurring threats.
Be Informed, Have a Plan and Make a Kit
Be Informed
Many events can trigger emergency situations that escalate into disasters. Many hazards, such as power outages or disease breakouts, can happen anywhere at any time, so you should become familiar with the full spectrum of possible dangers and how you will be notified about them.
It also is important to give special consideration to any particular hazards that are more likely to affect your local area, such as severe winter weather, a tornado, or a volcanic eruption.
While the potential threats can seem overwhelming, keep in mind that most of what you address in your family plan or put in your emergency kits will be useful regardless of the hazard.
Have a Plan
When a disaster happens, your family may not be together in one place. You need to pick places to meet, have contact information for everyone, and discuss in advance what you will do during various types of emergencies. Depending on the type of emergency, you may shelter in place, move to a shelter or safe haven, or evacuate.
Formalizing your preparations in a written family plan is a good way to ensure everyone knows what to do when there is an emergency. Your plan needs to take into account special concerns such as caring for very young and very old family members, protecting your property, retaining critical financial or insurance records, and caring for your pets.
Make a Kit
Preparing for an emergency includes making a kit of emergency supplies. You need enough supplies for every family member for at least three days, maybe longer.
The main items to have in your kit include water, food, and first aid supplies. Depending on your family, you may also need special items for babies, prescription medications, or supplies for your pets.
You may not be at home when disaster strikes, so make smaller emergency kits to keep at work and in your car. You also need a portable kit to take with you if you go to a shelter or evacuate.
Thank you for visiting the CNIC Rota Webpage. We hope that this site has
provided you with the information you need to prepare for an emergency situation.
Feel free to stop by our office located next to the Navy Exchange gas station or call us Monday through Friday 0900-1600.
If you have any questions related to disaster preparedness, the Emergency Management staff will be happy to assist you.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
- The EM Staff
Contact Information:
Emergency Management Office
Building 3269
Naval Support Activity Rota Spain
DSN: 314-727-1677
Commercial: +34-956-82-1677
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