The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society provides financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Services of the United States and their eligible family members and survivors, when in need. Counseling, loans, grants, various services, and referral to other community resources are available to help families.
On-base Employment
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
Paid positions include: Director, two part time Visiting Nurses, and two part-time Relief Services Assistants. However, there are numerous volunteer opportunities including receptionist, case worker, thrift store worker, and coupon sorters. Job vacancies are advertised in the Coastline, radio and are posted at the FFSC. The paid positions are tax free and do not affect spouse preference. Applications can be picked up at the NMCRS, Monday through Friday from 0900 - 1600.
Budget for Baby: Schedule an appointment for a budget or attend one of our monthly classes for Baby’s First Seabag. All attendees, even non-military personnel, who attend the class, will receive a baby gift.
Layette: Baby’s First Seabags for all Navy and Marine Corps personnel, active duty or retired, and all active duty Army and Air Force personnel who are perspective or new parents. It consists of $120 worth of baby items.
Coupon: Save money with the coupon program. Coupons are valid for six months past the expiration date at overseas commissarys.
Thrift Shop: Enables service members and their families to stretch their budgets and purchase used clothing, uniforms, and household items at a nominal cost.
Spouse Tuition Aid Program: Offers interest free loans to eligible spouses of active duty Navy and Marine Corps members stationed overseas who are certificate, undergraduate or graduate degree seeking students.
Visiting Nurse: Nurses are available to make home visits to clients to improve their quality of life by supporting the individual's health issues. Visits are commonly made to new mothers and infants as well as to patients recovering from surgery.
NMCRS Volunteer program
While the NMCRS volunteers help people in need, they also have opportunities to make new friends, develop new skills, and share talents in a variety of fields. Some of these include budget for baby counseling, client greeting, casework, public speaking, and volunteer management. Volunteers can also help in office administration, publicity, or work in the Society Thrift Shop. In return, eligible volunteers can get reimbursement for transportation and child care expenses. To learn more about volunteer opportunities give us a call or stop by.
Education Opportunities
The NMCRS Spouse Tuition Aid Program (STAP)
The STAP education program helps eligible spouses of active duty NMCRS personnel pursue their academic goals by providing interest free loans for education. Loans can be given for the full cost of tuition and books as needed, up to $3,000 per calendar year. The Society also provides education bridge loans for Navy and Marine Corps service members to cover all or a portion of the cost if education benefits are not received in time.
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Rota
PSC 819 Box 23
FPO AE 09645-0020
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 0800-1600
Phone: 011-34-956-82-1614
DSN: 727-1614
Base Number: 956-82-1614
Bldg. 3293, Naval Station Rota
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society /