The Occupational Safety and Health Department enhances the capability of the commands and organizations at Naval Station Rota, and the National Support Elements; Madrid, Valencia, and Lisbon by arming military and civilians with the knowledge they need to ensure a safe and healthful environment, and minimize the potential for loss or mission interruption.
"To ensure a safe and healthful environment, in order to minimize the potential for illness, injury, material loss operational interruption, and improve the quality of life in our community."
The Naval Station is a model base where the safety and health of our community members, is a way of life.
Strategic Goals:
We accomplish our mission as follows:
Providing leadership, commitment, coordination and training to ensure that all Rota activities and personnel develop and exhibit safe and healthful actions.
Providing a wide range of safety and occupational program resources, technical expertise and assistance to the commanders, leaders and individuals to ensure that all facilities, activities and commands as well as the people entrusted to their leadership perform in an safe and healthful manner and contribute to the quality of life in our community.
Program Overview
The Safety Department program encompasses safety disciplines such as weapons/explosives safety, off-duty safety, traffic safety, occupational safety and health, and radiation safety. Operational Risk Management (ORM) is a key element of our program.
Commercial telephone: 011-34-956-82-2409
DSN: 727-2409
Commercial Fax: 011-34-956-1728
DSN Fax: 727-1728
E-mail: n017@navsta.rota.navy.mil
Official Postal Mailing Address: PSC 819 Box 2, FPO AE 09645