DoD Civilian Personnel
DoD civilian personnel and eligible family members of both US military and DoD civilian personnel require a “missione” visa in their No-Fee Passport (official or blue no-fee) prior to arrival in Italy. Personnel WITHOUT the “missione” visa are NOT, able to apply for a sojourner’s permit (permesso di soggiorno) for permanent resident in Italy and must return to the area of their previous assignment at their own expense to obtain the proper passport and or visa.
NOTE: Personnel departing from an OCONUS location without proper documentation, must travel to any CONUS DOD Passport Office, at their own expense, to apply for the proper visa.
The “missione” visa CANNOT, be obtained after arrival in Italy. There are no exceptions to this requirement.
The “missione” visa must be in the official or blue No-Fee Passport. A “missione” visa in a tourist passport is NOT acceptable. Passport agents must advise travelers not to travel on a tourist passport or an official passport or blue No-Fee Passport without the “missione” visa. Military booking agents should not ticket DoD civilians or eligible family members if they do not have both, the proper passport and visa.
Military Personnel
Military personnel on official business require military ID cards and NATO travel orders.
Military personnel assigned to Italy and planning to live on the economy require a passport to apply for a Codice Fiscale (Italian SSN) in order to sign contracts for rent, utilities, phone, etc. If the member does not already possess a passport (no-fee or regular fee (tourist)), recommend they obtain a tourist passport at their own expense prior to arrival in-country. A tourist passport is also required to take leave in Europe and the Middle East. The passport must NOT be used to enter/exit Italy. Enter/exit Italy on military ID card and travel orders.
For more information including official travel, leave travel, and country clearance requirements visit the DoD Foreign at: