Welcome to our family here in Bahrain - Marhaba!
Congratulations on your assignment to U.S. Naval Support Activity (NSA) Bahrain. We are looking forward to your arrival and are confident that you will find your tour at NSA Bahrain to be one of the most challenging and rewarding assignments of your career.
Please don't hesitate to contact the Command Sponsor Team at email: nsa-sponsorteam@us.navy.mil, phone 011-973-1785-2719.
NSA Bahrain is located in the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Middle East, within the archipelago Arabian Gulf, and east of Saudi Arabia. NSA Bahrain covers the busiest 60 acres in the world. We provide services and support to ships at sea, remote sites throughout the region, and military and civilian personnel living in Bahrain.
* Cost of Living: All permanently-assigned personnel are entitled to a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) due to the higher cost of living in Bahrain. COLA rates change frequently; for more up-to-date information, consult the DFAS website. http://www.dfas.mil/
* Child Care is available for all family members of DOD personnel permanently assigned in Bahrain.
* Schools: Bahrain School is the only DoD school in the region. Information on the Bahrain School can be found on their website. The DoDDs Bahrain School website is. www.bahr-ehs.eu.dodea.edu
* Youth Services: Are available for all family members of DOD personnel permanently assigned in Bahrain.
* Fleet and Family Support Center: FFSC 011-973-1785-4046, DSN 318-439-4046
* Housing: Many personnel will live on the local economy. The Housing Office will assist you in finding a place to live and in executing a lease. Rent is paid in Bahrain Dinars. Call the Navy Housing Office, at 011 973 1785 4104, DSN 318-439-4104 for availability or questions you may have.
* Employment: The Human Resource Office provides service to state side hires and local hires. All employees are required to have a passport with a visa.
* Base Services:
- MWR Facilities
- Navy Exchange
- Medical Services: 011-973-1785-6110, DSN 318-439-6110. The clinic fax is DSN: 318-439-4860.
- Dental Clinic: 011-973-1785-4211, DSN 318-439-4211
- Services at Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Unit Bahrain are limited; although, medical care in Bahrain is considered very good by United States standards.
* Passports/Visas: All active duty military personnel are required to have an official passport prior to arrival in Bahrain. Official (No-Fee) passports will be issued through your Personnel Support Detachment (PSD). Do not delay, it is critical that you have an official passport plan early. Passport applications can take as long as two months. The Kingdom of Bahrain requires a visa for all personnel entering the country. All service members and DOD Civilians should ensure they have a "no fee" passport in their possession prior to the move.
* Civilian Attire/Dress Code: U.S. personnel and their families must be aware of local sensitivities and cultural values in order to minimize the impact of the U.S. military presence and reduce any potential host-nation friction. Unless otherwise directed in writing by higher authority, all U.S. Navy personnel attached to COMUSNAVCENT/COMFIFTHFLT units and family members must adhere to the requirement of General Order OPORD 1000-10 (U).
* Pay: Single Personnel receive Single COLA (if they are not on per diem) and BAS at current rate. Unaccompanied personnel do receive the same entitlements as single personnel in addition to their Dependent BAH (if entitled) and FSA at $250.00 dollars a month.
* Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP): For EFMP questions or assistance, please contact the Medical Department at DSN 318-439-4260 COM 011-973-1785-4260.
* Information about NSA Bahrain can be found at www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil scroll down and click "Military Installations" on the left side and enter NSA Bahrain. The Military HOMEFRONT website also contains moving calendars and checklists, just click "Plan My Move"
* NSA Bahrain is unable to provide Level 1 motorcycle training (BRC1). Any service members who wish to ride motorcycles in Bahrain must complete Level 1 BRC training INCONUS prior to reporting to Bahrain.
Check our Facebook pages for daily updates and links to resources:
- NSA Bahrain https://www.facebook.com/NSABahrain
- Fleet and Family Support Center https://www.facebook.com/Fleet-and-Family-Support-Center-NSA-Bahrain-282724796518/?fref=nf
- Family Readiness Group https://www.facebook.com/BahrainFamilyReadinessGroup/?fref=nf
- Morale, Welfare and Recreation https://www.facebook.com/MWR.Bahrain/