NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SOUDA BAY, Greece (March 6, 2025) - Naval Support Activity (NSA) Souda Bay successfully completed a major assessment of the installation’s Naval Security Forces (NSF), Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES), Incident Management Team (IMT), and Installation Training Team (ITT) competencies, March 6, 2025, to achieve certification by Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC).
The four-day, multifaceted assessment is the capstone evaluation of a three-year certification cycle required by CNIC, which oversees all U.S. Navy shore installations worldwide. NSA Souda Bay’s NSF, F&ES, and ITT were evaluated with a Final Evaluation Problem, while the Incident Management Team faced an Emergency Management Program Assessment.
“This assessment is an opportunity for Team Souda to demonstrate our readiness to defend the installation and quickly get back on mission during any emergency,” said Capt. Stephen Steacy, commanding officer, NSA Souda Bay. “The excellent performance of the Sailors and civilians during the assessment is a testament to their hard work and dedication to the Navy's mission.”
The three-year certification cycle consists of other review milestones, including the Command Assessment for Readiness and Training (CART) and Regional Assessment (RASS). NSA Souda Bay completed CART in June 2022 and RASS in August 2024.
“This certification cycle ensures the ability of every installation to prevent, overcome, and, when necessary, recover from an incident or attack,” said Lt. James M. Mcfetridge, security assessments and training officer, CNIC. “It ensures that every installation can continue to support its primary mission.”
The week’s assessment included a variety of scenarios, including a simulated active-shooter incident, surveillance drone activity, and a suspicious package and improvised explosive device discovery and response drill.
“Our team 100 percent rose to the occasion for this assessment,” said Aaron Courtney, installation training officer, NSA Souda Bay. “Everyone had a role to play, but the heavy lifting was really done by Team Souda’s NSF, F&ES, IMT, and ITT.”
NSA Souda Bay’s ITT and Antiterrorism Training Team lead a year-round training and assessment program to prepare for the force protection certification cycle.
“We're very happy to have met this requirement, and to have done so in such a convincing manner," said Lt. j.g. Matthew Whaley, security officer, NSA Souda Bay. "This team has validated all training and operational procedures and without a doubt can and will stop all threats. We will continue to sustain this posture of preparedness and vigilance to provide the best security, in case of a real-world incident."
Mcfetridge and the CNIC team administer these assessments approximately once per month at different installations worldwide.
“A few key indicators of an installation’s readiness for these assessments are the motivation, professionalism, and discipline of their personnel,” said Mcfetridge. “It usually only takes a few hours into the certification process to start feeling the pulse of the installation and whether or not they are fully prepared. NSA Souda Bay really had it together this week.”
“NSF at NSA Souda Bay play such a vital role,” said Master-at-Arms 1st Class Christopher Lane, a NSF watch commander assigned to NSA Souda Bay. “I want everyone who works on the base, as well as all the units that we support, to have full confidence in our ability to prevent and respond to emergency situations. It’s about peace of mind.”
NSA Souda Bay is an operational ashore installation that enables and supports U.S., Allied, Coalition, and partner nation forces to preserve security and stability in the European, African, and Central Command areas of responsibility. For more information, visit us at or find us on Facebook at