Navy Exchange and Barbershop
The Housing and Dining Facility features a mini Navy Exchange (NEX) for basic goods, personal items and snacks. The NEX also offers dry cleaning and tailoring services.
NEX contracts a barber for base patrons open various days of the week.

160608-N-MK881-021 NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY DEVESELU, Romania (June 8, 2016)Rear Adm. (ret) Robert J. Bianchi, CEO of the Navy Exchange, is joined by Capt. James D. Craycraft, commanding officer Naval Support Facility Deveselu and Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System Romania leadership for a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the NEX there on June 8, 2016.
Fitness and Sports
Our programs, facilities and services promote a healthy and active lifestyle. The fitness facility is located within the housing and dining facility.

160516-N-YP762-005 NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY DEVESELU, Romania (May 16, 2016) Fitness equipment located in the housing and dining facility at Naval Support Facility Deveselu May 16, 2016.